HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool


The HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool is a very nice and neat little utility for formatting HP USB Drives. However it appears to work for all drives, so people generally use it.

I have read many stories regarding this free tool having miraculous healing powers that can format a fake capacity USB memory stick to the correct capacity. I have not witnessed these though, as I do not have an HP memory stick.

Making a boot disk.

This looks very similar to the Microsoft Windows format dialog. This utility allows one to make a bootable start-up disk, by copying the DOS start-up files to the boot sector.

This utility can be obtained directly from the HP website. No special caution or additional scans of the file are necessary. HP also have a wide range of their own brand of USB flash drives that are ultra reliable. Anyone who has valuable data to store normally uses these types of drives.

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Fake USB Memory Repair Tools
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HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool
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